Photo: ‘Blue-eared Kingfisher, Alcedo meninting, in Khao Yai national park’ by tontantravel
Ulla Karlsson-Ottosons Barnbok ‘Djur med superkrafter’ May 2021 – Rabén & Sjögren (in Swedish)

Anna Maria Orru Speaks at Restauranglabbet (in Swedish & English)
Vad kan vi människor lära av naturens alla djur, växter, svampar och mikroorganismer för att hitta smarta lösningar på klimatkrisen och andra stora samhällsutmaningar?
Fredrik Moberg Speaks about his new book at the Science Festival 2021 (in Swedish)
Vad kan vi människor lära av naturens alla djur, växter, svampar och mikroorganismer för att hitta smarta lösningar på klimatkrisen och andra stora samhällsutmaningar?
New Danish/USA book on Biomimicry (published January 2021)
Biologically Inspired Design: a primer by Torben A. Lenau, Akhlesh Lakhtakia (2021). The publication is an overview of biologically inspired design presented in simple terms for anyone. It is a collaborative publication between two bio-inspired educators. Torben A. Lenau located in Denmark (Denmark Technical University) and Akhlesh Lakhtakia in the United States (Pennsylvania State University).
PRESS: Article on Nordic Biomimicry in Arkitekten – ‘Tvärdisciplinärt center ska lösa utmaningar med hjälp av naturen’ – (January 19) – ‘Interdisciplinary center to solve challenges with the help of nature’
Nina Gunne – Journalist for Arkitekten, published a small article on our hub
Nordic Biomimicry Leadership & Biomimicry Workshop
(January 21)
Workshop for GAIA Leadership
New Swedish book on Biomimicry (Published April 2021)
Den Uppfinningsrika Planeten: Biomimikry och naturens lösningar på vår tids utmaningar by Fredrik Moberg (2021)
The publication, ‘The Inventive Planet: Biomimicry and nature’s solutions to the challenges of our time ‘, will be published in 2021 by Nature & Kultur. It is the first book in Swedish to be fully dedicated to Biomimicry in which the book’s author Fredrik Moberg, a biologist, aims to highlight the endless possibilities of Biomimicry.
Nordic Biomimicry Launch – online press release on social media – (December 15)
Kick-off meeting
Nordic Biomimicry Nordic Partner Launch website – (September 24)
Kick-off meeting and unveiling of the website with Nordic Partners in Denmark, Finland and Norway.
Chalmers University – (September 15)
This was a 2 hour lecture by Anna Maria Orru to students on the Master’s programme ‘Architecture and Urban Design/MPARC’ as part of the Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability/MPDSD course at the School of Architecture.
SSES Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship – (September 26-27)
This is a weekend workshop on biomimicry in entrepreneurship by Anna Maria Orru. Students chosen for this course are a collection of participants from different universities in Stockholm. The weekend workshop was live teaching, with a combination of lectures, in-office workshop and outside visits into Nature. A link to the course is available here:
Baltic Lead Programme – (October 15)
This was a one full-day online workshop on biomimicry by Anna Maria Orru that has several components – lecture, workshops & nature visits. The workshop was given fully online via zoom due to the corona crisis and participants were calling in from several EU locations in the Baltic Region. The workshop is in partnership with the Stockholm Resilience Centre to run the Baltic LEAD Region programme. The workshop is part of a larger programme that takes place this fall and aims to educate young people from the Baltics in sustainability.