EXHIBITION:  NORDIC BIOMIMICRY’S Anna Maria Orrù co-curates an exhibition on the remarkable honeybee species at Munkeruphus Kunsthalle in Denmark in a show titled ‘Superorganism’. A lifeworld view through the prism of bees. Comes see our interpretation through time, history, art, architecture, design, anthropology. Superorganism opens 26 May at Munkeruphus


CONFLUENCE:  NORDIC BIOMIMICRY joins a gathering of Bioimimicry enthusiasts, professionals, organisations etc. at The Biomimicry Confluence from March 21-23 online hosted by Learn Biomimicry platform in South Africa.



FINALISTS:  NORDIC BIOMIMICRY’S Anna Maria Orru and Fredrik Moberg take part of the SSES Biomimicry and Entrepreneurship summer bootcamp which has been nominated as a finalist for the New European Bauhaus ‘Education Champion’ strand in category for ‘Reconnecting to nature’. We had the opportunity to attend the award ceremony, where although we unfortunately did not win, we had a wonderful chance to meet amazing change-makers in the world of education and Nature. As part of the finalist tasks, we created a wonderful video describing the course which was nominated.



LECTURE & DISCUSSION:  NORDIC BIOMIMICRY FINLAND AND SWEDEN join forces to speak at the Nordic Circular Summit on 24 November in the afternoon. We show and discuss the importance of including nature and bio inspiration in discourse on circular economy. Come see Fredrik Moberg, Anna Maria Orru and Anne Raudaskoski discuss from their perspective. The Nordic Circular Summit runs from 22-24 November.

LECTURE:   Fredrik Moberg gives a talk at HÅllbarhetsdagen Halland on 17 November. För fjärde året i rad arrangeras Hållbarhetsdagen Halland, torsdagen 17 november på Arena Varberg. Årets tema är Framtidens hållbara lösningar, och vi får höra kända namn inom nationell expertis dela med sig av forskning och insikter om möjligheterna inom klimat, miljö och hälsa.


LECTURE:   Fredrik Moberg speaks at the Swedish EPA Naturvårdsverket for the Klimatklivet team on the important of nature-inspired solutions in sustainable development.


LECTURE & WORKSHOP:   Anna Maria Orru gives a lecture and brief workshop at this years BOX Autumn studio on sustainable food and artistic practices.

LECTURE & WORKSHOP:   Anna Maria Orru gives her annual lecture (tenth year!) on biomimicry, joined by Fredrik Moberg for a workshop to incoming MA students.

Anna Maria Orru introduces students to the concept and world of biomimicry. She is then joined by Fredrik Moberg to help drive a ‘Species Speed Dating’ workshop for the 156 students. What a fantastic design sprint it was, and remarkable what we can learn together when we are such a large community and brief time together.


FESTIVAL: Kultur Saloner Gisselfeld

Nordic Biomimicry shares in the in-between time at the Kultur Saloner at Gissefeld. What a brilliant way to organise a music festival, with food-for-thought discussions in between the bands! Our Sarah Gregersen from the DK team is joined by Danish Poet Morten Søndergaard in a frank discussion about nature.


INTERNATIONAL COURSE: Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship in Tuscany

Anna Maria Orrù, joined by Fredrik Moberg and Maria von Euler, will  run a week-long immersion camp – ‘bootcamp’ –  on ‘Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship & food – creating sustainable future scenarios for innovative food systems in Tuscany’ for the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. Application period open till April 15. This workshops offers new perspectives to sustainability and the ability to arrive at innovative design solutions inspired by nature (biomimicry) for resilient and circular food systems. We learn about Tuscany’s slow-food food production and meet local producers with hands-on immersion into four local projects and challenges, and the opportunity to strength (and possibly scale) their ideas. Apply on the SSES website.



A conference we would like to highlight. Biomimicry college Michael Pawlyn from London is speaking on biomimicry in Helsinki at the 9th International Alvar Aalto Design Seminar – BIOSYMBIOSIS on 24.-25.5.2022. Future pathfinders for bio-based design, innovative materials, and design solutions for a circular economy will form the main points of focus in the 9th International Alvar Aalto Design Seminar – BIOSYMBIOSIS on 24.-25.5.2022.



ARKITEKTURGALAN 2022 – biomimicry in architecture, design and urbanism

Fredrik Moberg speaks on behalf of Nordic Biomimicry at the Architecture Gala 2022 in Stockholm. Fredrik Moberg will speak about how architects, designers and urban planners can be inspired by nature to create more sustainable materials, buildings and cities. (in Swedish)

WEEKEND WORKSHOP: Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship

Anna Maria Orrù runs a weekend workshop on ‘Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship’ for the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. Application period open till March 20. This workshops offers new perspectives to sustainability and the ability to arrive at innovative solutions by looking at nature’s examples. We look at how biomimicry shows new ways of creating value, managing growth and expanding entrepreneurial knowledge? Apply on the SSES website.


RADIO: Seje opfindelser snuppet fra biologien
Vildt Naturligt

Torben Lenau joins the Danish Radio programme on DR discussing biomimicry. They discuss ‘Cool inventions snatched from biology’ such as Mosquitoes inspiring proboscis technique for smarter needles. The hosts together with Torben discuss how biology is packed with wonderful solutions and brings forward good ideas for moving out into nature.


NEW Nordic Biomimicry Sweden member!

Louise Bröte Norr joins the Nordic Biomimicry team in Sweden. We are delighted to have her expertise and her passion for biomimicry on board!

Nordic Biomimicry Sweden kicks off its series of Biomimicry Bites!

In January, Nordic Biomimicry launched its monthly ‘Biomimicry Bite’ series. A brief morsel into biomimicry with a brief lunch lecture, quick nature exercise/recipe and discussion with Anna Maria Orru and Fredrik Moberg. Each last Tuesday of the month, we hold this free biomimicry bite to inspire us for the month ahead.



PRESS: 2021 Års Bokprat om naturbocker

Fredrik Moberg’s book on biomimicry listed as Nature Books of the year to read!


PRESS: Kan naturen hjälpa oss att lösa klimatkrisen?

Article on Biomimicry in Hållbar Stadsplanering by Miljö & Utveckling’s journalist Anna Alexandersson – Synopsis: BIOMIMIK Forskaren och arkitekten Anna Maria Orrù menar att vi måste vända oss till naturen för att hitta svaren på hur vi ska möta klimathotet. – Då tror jag att vi har en chans. Biomimikry ger det hoppet.

Med naturen som rådgivare för ökad hållbarhetAnna Maria Orrù speaks at the Miljö & Utveckling conference

Online & interactive conference – 10 NOVEMBER
Anna Maria Orrù is a keynote speaker at the annual Miljö & Utveckling Hållbar Stadsplanering full-day conference. This year the conference focuses on Circular economy in building and planning. (CIRKULÄR EKONOMI I BYGG OCH PLANERING) This will be a digital and interactive conference and Anna Maria will focus on the role of Biomimicry in future cities.


Nature in the Making – Anna Maria Orrù speaks at Konstfack University of the Arts, craft & Design – ID Department

Title: Biomimicry: Nature in the making
Anna Maria Orrù and Martin Avila present their annual Introduction lectures to the entering Bachelor and Master students at the Industrial Design Department at Konstfack. this lecture is a multi-fold perspective on sustainability in design, and Anna Maria focusses on the spectre of Nature’s inspiration.

Fredrik Moberg Speaks at the Nobel Prize Museum  –Nature helps researches to solve human challenges

Online conversation – 4 OCTOBER 15-16:00
Fredrik Moberg is joined with Johannes Messinger (Professor of molecular biomimetics at Uppsala University) in conversation to discuss biomimetics and what we can learn from our inventive planet. The ancient Greeks already described nature as a model, and today researchers worldwide are inspired by nature’s smart solutions.


Biomimicry – Nature’s resilienceAnna Maria Orrù in collaboration with Rebel Architette

Anna Maria Orrù speaks at the event ‘Scali Urbani 2021’ on 30 September in Livorno organised by Rebell Architects. She will be speaking on the subject of Biomimicry and Resilience. The event is part of a series of coordinated events from the 17th Venice Biennale Italian Pavilion throughout Italy to underpin the exhibition topic ‘DETOXING ARCHITECTURE FROM INEQUALITIES : A PLURAL ACT’ by Rebel Architette. Anna Maria Orrù is also one of the women highlighted in the exhibition. Seminar is in Italian and English.

Fredrik Moberg Speaks at Universeum –  Biomimikry – naturens lösningar på vår tids utmaningar

Online conversation – 29 SEPTEMBER 15:30-16:45
Fredrik Moberg, together with Alexina Thorén Williams from Universeum, discuss biomimicry and tips for learning from nature in the classroom. In Swedish

Biomimicry – når mennesket efterligner naturenTorben Lenau from Nordic Biomimicry in collaboration with Bloom and IDA

Torben Lenau from Nordic Biomimicry will be offering a free webinar (28 September 17-19:00) on the subject of biomimicry and biomimetics. He is joined by geochemist Karina Krarup Sand and architect Simon Hjermind Jensen, as they move into a living world of patterns, shapes, structures and systems that can be seen in the sketches of man’s most innovative inventions. Seminar is in Danish

Fredrik Moberg Speaks at the ‘A Sustainable Tomorrow’ Conference  –A Sustainable Tomorrow 2021

‘Den uppfinningsrika planeten’ – 16 SEPTEMBER 9:35-9:55, conference online
Fredrik Moberg kommer att berätta om biomimikry, det vill säga hur biologer samarbetar med arkitekter, ingenjörer och designers för att efterlikna naturens bästa lösningar och skynda på omställningen till ett hållbart samhälle. Aktuell med boken ”Den uppfinningsrika planeten – Biomimikry och naturens lösningar på vår tids utmaningar”. Seminar in Swedish and you must register for the conference.

Video summary of the conference: VIDEO

Anna Maria Orrù Speaks at Chalmers University at the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering

Title: Biomimicry: Nature-inspired Sustainability in Built Environments – 14 SEPTEMBER
Anna Maria Orrù presents her annual keynote lecture to the entering Master students at the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at Chalmers University.

Biomimicry Bite  – Nordic Biomimicry in collaboration with Färgfabriken in Stockholm

Our crew at Nordic Biomimicry is delighted to work in collaboration with Färgfabriken on running an afternoon workshop on Biomimicry at their museum in Stockholm. The workshop is part of an intricate and wonderful exploration into ‘Symbiosis’, their new exhibition that opens 27 August. @_fargfabriken  #fargfabriken  #symbiosisff  Färgfabriken


Biomimicry Festival  – Nordic Biomimicry in collaboration with Social Cities 2030

Nordic Biomimicry joins with Social Cities 2030 for a pioneering festival exploring the world of mimicking nature, known as Biomimicry. Come join us for a ‘Biomimicry Festival’. Full programme is 25-29 August, and Nordic Biomimicry is present 27-28 August. 


Ulla Karlsson-Ottosons Barnbok ‘Djur med superkrafter’  – Rabén & Sjögren

Nu i maj släpper Rabén & Sjögren Ulla Karlsson-Ottosons bok Djur med superkrafter. En bok riktad till barn från 6 år och uppåt och som presenterar 18 superdjur vars egenskaper och förmågor vi människor försöker härma på olika vis. Detta presenteras med färgstarka bilder, allt för att locka både stora och små läsare att lära sig mer om samspelet mellan natur och teknik.


Anna Maria Orrù Speaks at Restauranglabbet – Restauranglabbet

BIOMIMIKRY – Nature’s Design – 27 APRIL 14:00, online
Food Waste 2.0 är en webinarserie som utförs av Restauranglabbet inom ramen för forskningsprojektet ReSvinn. ReSvinn är ett samarbetsprojekt där över 50 företag och organisationer utvecklar metoder för att rädda ätbar mat och minska matsvinnet i Sverige.

Fredrik Moberg Speaks about his new book ‘Naturens lösningar på storm utmaningar’  – Vetenskapsfestivalen 2021

Vad kan vi människor lära av naturens alla djur, växter, svampar och mikroorganismer för att hitta smarta lösningar på klimatkrisen och andra stora samhällsutmaningar?

Anna Maria Orru runs a workshop on ‘Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship’  – Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship

After a successful weekend workshop in September 2020, SSES has asked Anna Maria to run her workshop on ‘Biomimicry in Entrepreneurship’ again from 17-18 April. The workshop was given online with two guests – Sarah Gregersen and Julia Kreß. Watch this space, more workshops to come.

Fredrik Moberg releases new book ‘Den uppfinningsrika planeten’  – Natur & Kultur

Den uppfinningsrika planeten – Biomimikry och naturens lösningar på vår tids utmaningar Av Fredrik Moberg.
Hur kan vi människor lära av naturen för att hitta smarta lösningar på våra problem? I boken Den uppfinningsrika planeten lyfter Fredrik Moberg fram biomimikryns oändliga möjligheter. The publication, ‘The Inventive Planet: Biomimicry and nature’s solutions to the challenges of our time ‘, is published by Nature & Kultur. It is the first book in Swedish to be fully dedicated to Biomimicry in which Fredrik Moberg, a biologist, aims to highlight the endless possibilities of Biomimicry.


PRESS: Article on Nordic Biomimicry in Arkitekten – ‘Tvärdisciplinärt center ska lösa utmaningar med hjälp av naturen’ – Arkitekten

‘Interdisciplinary center to solve challenges with the help of nature’
. Nina Gunne – Journalist for Arkitekten, published a small article on our center. ‘I december startade ett nordiskt center för kunskapsfältet biomikry och biomimetik. Det ska sprida kunskap om hur svaret på många problem finns att hitta i de sätt som naturen har tacklat utmaningar på under evolutionen.’


Torben Lenau & Akhlesh Lakhtakia release new book  ‘Biologically Inspired Design: a primer’  – Morgan & Claypool Publishers

Biologically Inspired Design: a primer by Torben A. Lenau, Akhlesh Lakhtakia (2021). The publication is an overview of biologically inspired design presented in simple terms for anyone. It is a collaborative publication between two bio-inspired educators. Torben A. Lenau located in Denmark (Denmark Technical University) and Akhlesh Lakhtakia in the United States (Pennsylvania State University).

Nordic Biomimicry Leadership & Biomimicry Workshop – Gaia Leadership

Anna Maria Orrù runs a workshop on biomimicry and leadership with Gaia Leadership leaders.



Nordic Biomimicry events in 2020 – Nordic Biomimicry

Nordic Biomimicry Launch – online press release on social media – (December 15)
 Kick-off meeting

Nordic Biomimicry Nordic Partners Launch website – (September 24)
Kick-off meeting and unveiling of the website with Nordic Partners in Denmark, Finland and Norway.

Chalmers University – (September 15)
This was a 2 hour lecture by Anna Maria Orru to students on the Master’s programme ‘Architecture and Urban Design/MPARC’ as part of the Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability/MPDSD course at the School of Architecture.

SSES Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship – (September 26-27)
This is a weekend workshop on biomimicry in entrepreneurship by Anna Maria Orru. Students chosen for this course are a collection of participants from different universities in Stockholm. The weekend workshop was live teaching, with a combination of lectures, in-office workshop and outside visits into Nature. A link to the course is available here:

Baltic Lead Programme – (October 15)
This was a one full-day online workshop on biomimicry by Anna Maria Orru that has several components – lecture, workshops & nature visits. The workshop was given fully online via zoom due to the corona crisis and participants were calling in from several EU locations in the Baltic Region. The workshop is in partnership with the Stockholm Resilience Centre to run the Baltic LEAD Region programme. The workshop is part of a larger programme that takes place this fall and aims to educate young people from the Baltics in sustainability.